Not as good as the Original Supreme Commander
User Rating: 7 | Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance PC
The original Supreme commander was far more immersive then this expansion pack. The original had briefing mission videos for every mission you went on and during the campaigns so you wouldnt have to focus on reading little boxes on the corner of the screen and instead focus on the fighting thats going on but in the expansion pack they dont have audio in the timeline video that expalains what has happend since the original supreme commander or in the missions when you get videos on the top left of the screen from headquarters giving you instructions. I find this to be a huge turnoff that seriously hurts the immersiveness of the game. The Expansion Pack is 5gb, what did they do with all that storage space anyways?? not adding voices to the game thats for sure
One other thing that I found quite annoying was how they merged all of the civilizations into one campaign or "coalition" against a super alien race. I feel they did a better job in the original game by letting the players choose between any of the three races and getting a different outcome when they win the singleplayer campaign with each different race.
Fancy videos like the introduction video have also been removed for the large part which was something i really enjoyed :(
I wouldnt recommend this game if you liked the original you will be sadly dissapointed the way they have skimped on content for the expansion.