Lives up to expectations, lots of fun with new units and bad guys - storyline could do with some spit and polish.
However, for the enjoyability of a game I tend to focus on the single player aspect of what is offered. Always a sucker for stories I find I get a great sense of accomplishment in progressing through the campaign and making it through the other side.
This is one of the funny things about Forged Alliance. While the new units are always welcome and fun and the Seraphim are tough opponents, I was looking more to the motivations of these invaders and was a little disappointed in their 2-D 'Destroy the humans' commentary, (the only Seraphim commentary), during the battles. True, some of the battles and numbers of units are mind boggling to be worried about such things, but I always like to know the back story!
Other than that I also really enjoyed the new design and layout of the interface, the units look great and act more intelligently and the fact that I was able to blend bases with the different technologies of the human factions made for an interesting game.
As such I highly recommend the next instalment of the franchise.