awesome game, better than the original, there's been major ballances.

User Rating: 9.5 | Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance PC
forged alliance has a different feel to the original for some reason i can't put my finger on it. when units kill enemies they gain ranks now which is really awesome. experimental lasers and stuff no longer instantly blow stuff up which i reckon is a major balance because 150 tech 1 units can prolly take a sacred assault bot LOL. there are alot of new units that are awesome, they balanced fabricators which stops people from turtling so much, nukes have been nerfed - i srsly don't approve of this, they take a long time to build, more expensive i think, and the nukes aren't so strong, personally i think this was a bit of a mistake, they should maybe add it as an option or something because i have not seen a single person use a nuke yet, even in a 90 minute game? :(

basically it's damn awesome game which i recommend anyone play, it's different to any normal rts so beware :) but you prolly will like it

seraphim faction is pretty good, they aren't overpowered which is a really good thing ^^

i really like this game, too bad australians don't play this online or something, i never see any :(