Computer games- even RTS -are not supposed to be frustrating.
Forged Alliance is far too convoluted, busy, and difficult. I can accept a learning curve (going from, say, old-school C&C to Company of Heroes, for example) but this is ridiculous. Patrol paths onscreen every time I click on a unit, units which are so small you can't make it what is what, no clear description of how one is better than the other, FAR too much territory to focus on or worry about....this is a game for people who love to spazz out, not for people who like to think. Period.
Purchased on December 24th, uninstalled from my hard disk on December 26th after perhaps 2 hours of messing around. I'm thoroughly frustrated with the notion that game developers think stacking hundreds of units and buildings into a game leads to "strategy", rather than a complete lack of focus.
Not worth my money, and bitterly disappointed that I paid for it.