A game made for the mass, not for the truly RTS fans
The ones who have the biggest expensive army wins.
This is not strategy. This only proves that you know the shortcuts for building better than the other guy. It´s not surprising that this game has so many good reviews about it. It was made for those who like to click fast, but not to think. And this is the majority of people.
Strategy is winning the game being more SMART than the opponent. It´s the opposite of this.
In RTS (really good) games, all the units are useful during all the gameplay, even the weaker and cheaper early game ones. In Sup Com, the units made in the tech 3 make the tech 2 useless, and the tech 2 made the same for the tech 1. You just don´t have space to think off the box, if you don´t have the most expensive units, than you won´t win the game.
Also, the types of units, and their abilities, don´t make a huge difference in the gameplay. You don´t have to understand the nuances of each one and THINK witch is the best strategy. No, just pick up the most expensive aerial units, naval units, and terrestrail units, and it´s done.
This is so true that in all the professional reviews all the sites say that the factions don´t play so different from each other. Of course not. If you learn to play with one faction , you play well with all the tree.
The only good in it it´s the graphics. Of course, for the brainless gamers out there, it´s just what it needs. I don´t expect to have many player agreed with me in this one. Instead, I expect tons of "dislikers" and each one who marks my review in this way (because it´s an "inconvenient truth" what I´m saying), will prove that, I´m right.