Robots, laz0rz, massive nuclear explosions, what's not to love?
Aside from that, there are masses of strategic units and structures you can deploy, with things like satellite lasers, long-range artillery installations, and nukes turning the tide of battle in your favour.
It's worth noting, however, that this game will practically declare war on any PC thrown at it. I myslef have a Quad core processor at 2.4GHZ, and I get slowdown in skirmish games with only three AIs. Multiplayer, however, is fast-paced and fun.
It takes a couple of minutes for you to build up your base at the start, and produce a few tanks, for example, but once the action starts, it scarcely stops. I can reccomend this to pretty much any strategy player who enjoys an indepth game with plenty of ways to approach a given situation.
Most of the time, however, the best way is always NUKES! :D