near flawless and original a nice flare to RTS
the games sports a massive 1000 unit cap which wile offering huge battles and emmense armies it has the downsid of bringing gameplay lag if your cpu isnt powerfull enough
the faction while having some very differnet units probably could have been a little more deverse apart from the design of the units and structures, each faction does have differences but they all have some units that do basicly the same thing
supreme commander or supcom really shines when its experimental units are brought into the game, these thing are freaking massive war machines that when used right will destroy almost anything and everything.
supcoms campaign is interesting with a nice story and misson for each faction but to m it feels as though it could have been lengthend, also campaign missions are challenging yet you do not gain acces to all units until the last mission.
what really makes supreme commander great is its multiplayer, the huge maps and the ability to have up to four teams is thrilling especialy when all the factions are playing
overall supcom is an amazing game with some new and amazing features and has shown just what todays technologie can really do.