This is the kind of game witch some may love and other hate. But if you love it, it's damn fun!
User Rating: 9.5 | Supreme Commander PC
(Note that I am not rating multilayer) This game is like none other RTS before (well, maybe Total Annihilation but I have never played it). I' will say the bad to get it over with... Some BLOOD & GORE!! hardcore C&S players might think the colors are too bright but screw that. The main thing that will get on your nerves is lag. With hundreds (and sometime thousands) of different units all doing different things (mostly when there attacking or building) the game will lag like there is no tomorrow. But when making custom games, just set it for minimum lag: 1-2 opponents, no more than 750 units each, no bigger than 50X50 maps and so on. The strategy is truly on a strategic scale. Knowing what units the enemy has (when there is fog of war) is crucial. Plus there are so many different strategies: make a fleet of bombers, focus on battleships, race to get experimental units, make a shower of nukes (takes for ever tho to get at this point), just to name a few. The game is fairly well balanced but there seems to be missing a difficulty between normal and hard (as in Horde and stuff), this is just a personal opinion tho. For younger players be happy that there is ZERO blood what so ever. There are only explosions and bigger explosions. The campaign is about 10 to 30 hours long depending on experience but is not one of the best although still worth going through. My favorite pass time is to make custom maps and try out new strategies (rain nuke, make a fleet of experimental gunships, etc.).
TO SUM IT ALL UP: This is a great game with its flaws that you can get over with (if this makes sense) that I have also very much enjoyed and recommend to any RTS fan looking for something new or big.