Theres some fun to be had in the multiplayer but theres too many flaws for me to recommend it.
The only fun i had with this game was 4 vs 4 multiplayer with friends, i couldn't find it so fun with people i didn't know because quite often it turned into NUKE WARS and you can't turn nukes off, which is stupid.... So atleast with friends i could say the rule is don't use them.
It was quite fun however and the battles are MASSIVE, only problem with that is the drop in performance on your PC and you find you have to turn the settings down to below default when this happens.
The game starts off as just building up your base and going to to capture and secure resource points + placing enoughpower for the buildings. However you can't rush to T3 straight away because it'll slow you down and you'll be left open. What i found with this game is every game starts the same and it gets very boring after a few matches. Mainly because it takes sooo long to build and is a massive timesink, also you'll be placing the same buildings over and over again like 40 times lol.
After the 15-30 mins of building and getting yourself setup and defending plus starting attacking you'll upgrade to T2 and T3 and this takes a long time and again just gets annoying.
The massive battles do look really great on the videos but in game the UI clogs everything up and to be able to see your units and control everything you'll be zoomed out soo far you can't see the graphics and the nice battles. When your zoomed in too far you can't really see your units because they move fast and you can't manage the battles. So really yours are too small or too big to manage yo enjoy watching the battle.
Also what really gets me down is the blandness and how generic the graphics look. Every unit IMO looks the same just a different scale and the art direction isn't there it's pretty generic. Then you have the 3 sides which don't look too different from eachother aswel.
The maps also are pretty boring theres no cities or any kool map features like you get in other RTS games. So you just feel like your playing on a plain canvas. The Balance however is perfect and theres nothing too powerful or too weak which is kool but thats really the only good thing i can say.
Also theres sooo many features that i would want in the game but are just not there which really lets it down IMO. I'd also like the ability to turn FOG off and be able to use units to create it instead which would be very kool.
The sounds in the game are pretty mediocre aswel, nothing special and it didn't stand out. I seemed to get weird noises every once in a while for no reason which i dont in anyother game.
So in the end if you want a ok multiplayer with large battles and 4 vs 4 and you have a decent PC. Plus you like a slow paced RTS with lots of building then buy this game. Otherwise dont because the single player is pants and the AI sucks in skermish and theres sooo many flaws in the game it effects the fun.