An intense strategy game with mass explosions, but there is something missing!!
User Rating: 8.3 | Supreme Commander PC
Supreme Commander is an intense full on strategy game and the battles are exhilarating yet playing this I felt that they’re something missing to the game. I like the action and the game play but after playing C'nC3, it just doesn’t compare to the game play of C'n'C3. As soon as I started playing C'nC3 I stoped playing SC, to be honest I don’t know what is it about SC but there is something missing and I’m sure whatever that thing is, it would make SC so much better. I liked the game but also it was just hard to get your head around...they're is so much happening and so much you can do that they're is too much to do. It takes a while to get used to the game and how you play it and I can see what the creators were going for but I think they might have overdone it a bit. SC is a great game but to complex and it takes to long to learn everything. But with that said I still think its a good game worth buying...but I guaranty that you will like C'nC3 more so Id go for that first then if you still want to go ahead and but SC because it is worth buying in the end.