Ive never played a better rts. this is much better than command and conquer 3.

User Rating: 10 | Supreme Commander PC
This rts is wonderful. Its songs are very good. i also like the fact that there are no unit acknowledgments. These used to drive me crazy in other rts games. lets say you build 10 rifleman squads in command conquer 3, when you select them youl here : kill them, kill them, kill them, kill them , kill them 10 times. the grafhics are also amazing if you have one of those new thousand dollar computers. I upgraded mine with a new five hundred dollar nvidia geforce grafhics card just because of this game. the hud is very complicated and you can even give your units waypoints and patrol routes. Even the smallest map in this game is like a very large map in regular rts standards. the maps get to be 81 by 81 kilometers large. it also features a lengthy single player campaighn for each of the three factions. they only have six missions each but once you get down to it each of the missions will often take you a couple of hours to complete here is a chart for average hours on each difficulty. UEF-easy-12 hours UEF-normal-15 hours UEF-hard-17 hours Cybran-easy-10 hours Cybran-normal-14 hours Cybran-hard- 16hours Aeon-easy-13 hours Aeon- normal -17 hours Aeon- hard - 20 hours the online is amazing. they have somethiong new called gpgnet witch offers a matchmaking service personal stats and leaderboards. It will take you about 80 Hours to complete all three campaighns and play on all skirmish maps but after that there is tons fo replay value. Overall out of all the video game categories. this is one of my favorite games of all time.