Just the same as 2020

User Rating: 2.5 | Supreme Ruler: Cold War PC
Being that the SR series thinks of itself as grand strategy, let me say that strategy has little to no place in it.
The game is just so broken, unrealistic and unplayable I would have been severely disappointed, if I had not known its infamous predecessors 2010 and 2020. Still, I guess I had some hope for it...

Military AI is next to nonexistent, it just piles up hundreds of units around cities doing nothing unless has so overwhelming numbers it timidly tries to attack the nearest enemy.
Economy is just as broken as before: short on cash? No worries, just tell your finance minister to raise money and watch as you go from 1,200 and falling to 10,000 and raising in as little as three months, with little to no payoff in terms of military or domestic approval.
Diplomacy screen is just as confusing as ever.
User interface is just useless, lacking basic functions as filter by unit type (you can only filter by land, sea or air; good luck if you want to check how many WW2 era interceptor aircraft you got in reserve), build at location, or deploy at location. Again, good luck if you just want to build a couple of engineers near Washington DC (goes like this: choose the land fabrication structure. Take note of its name. Open the Build tab. Click on the All Production tab. Scroll until you get to the structure name, which can easily be X:9999 Y:999 style. Click on the Land Units filter. Click on the Infantry filter. Scroll until you get the Engineer unit. Click on the unit. Click twice on the Build unit button. I'm not freaking kidding.) .
And here we get to the worst part... realism, or lack thereof.
Let's not talk about being able to research late '70s techs as early as 1950, or developing laser-guided bombs, stealth systems and GPS by 1954, just by building a couple of research centers here and there. Or hundreds of "techs" which are just placeholders, a name, twenty words of fluff, and no noticeable effect at all.
Let me tell you a tale, in which I was playing as the USSR. The Korean war begins and North Korea is getting curbstomped by a massive American military. I open the diplomatic interface and gift half the freaking Red Army to North Korea. Huge blob of units around Pyongyang materializes out of thin air - seems teleportation is entry-level stuff in realistic Cold War strategy games - and Americans stop in their tracks. Absolutely nothing happens in a year or so, save for the occasional motorcycle recon going for a merry ride and getting blasted to oblivion.
I get the entire Far East front down in Korea and blast through everything. Nothing fancy, just select all units and right-click on target, Red Alert 3 at least required one to take a little care of artillery units. Long story short, I've conquered the entire South Korean nation without even declaring war. Think "realism" and read again: Soviet army units openly blasting American units on Korean soil and the US doesn't even notice.
To summarize it all: this game is broken. Bad. It's a glorified spreadsheet with a touch of Risk and satellite imagery, and not much more.