Suprisingly Entertaining, probably more worthy of a RENT instead of a buy but still fun nevertheless!

User Rating: 7.5 | Surf's Up X360
When i first rented this, i'll be honest, i was doing it for the achievements, just until the next huge game came out..but after an hour of playing it, with a custom soundtrack consisting of Army Of Freshmen and early Greenday, it became VERY simple as it is and as aimed at kids as it could be, its fun none-the-less and would certainly reccommend it for any fans of the film who want a cheap thrill from something they like..Think of it as Tony Hawk 1 on acid with Penguins and water. Sounds likes a messed up mix right? NO! Its ACTUALLY GOOD!!!

The controls are simple, the graphics aren't top next-gen quality but they most certainly pass and the sound (with the exception of the crappy ingame soundtrack) is top notch too..its fun, easy and a good rental, Just don't expect much beyond the 90minute one player mode.