This game is pretty much an nothing more then a port of one of the last games to be released for the Neo Geo, a console that's about 15 years old. I've rented this game, because I didn't have $50 to buy it right off the bat, and now I own it only for one reason. Because I'm a fan of both Capcom and SNK and want this in my collection, that's it. Gameplay: The gameplay of this game feels so empty. First off, there are so many glitches in the game. Many of these glitches are hit box glithes, both characters getting hit when they shouldn't have or characters not getting hit when they should. Take these glitches, add the incredibly cheap combos/moves that can be found in this game, and you'll encounter some of the worst only players ever. I have never went against gamers using cheaper tactics ever on any of the other xbox live fighting games. Not only you'll find cheap players online, but the online capabilities of this game are horrible. There is not even a quick rematch option after the match is over, a simple yet useful feature found in all other xbox live fighting games. Another flaw of the gameplay, is the balance of the characters. After playing through each character, or after playing online with other players (god forbid), you will easily see how some characters over power others. Violent Ken is easily one of the cheapest characters because he not only has all of Ken's moves, but he can teleport as well. And this teleport move is also very simple to preform, and hard for other players to attack him while he's doing this. Also, this game lacks excitement. Most fighting games have awesome music, and sometimes gets faster/more dramatic when the character's lives are low. Most fighting games also have great looking backgrounds with either an audience cheering you in the background of the stage or some flashy stage that looks impressive to make it look entertaining. Not only that, but most fighting games have some exploding background effect when a character is defeated with a super attack or something similar. SVC: Chaos has none of these, making the game seem incredibly boring. Especially when I preform a super attack to finish off the other person. I feel no need to use a super, for the fact that my oponent will die the same way if I smashed him with my super, or if I hit him with my light punch. Graphics: The graphics, are ok. They are not impressive, infact, they are incredibly bad compared to 2d games these days (ie Guilty Gear X2). But, you have to keep in mind that this game was originally made for the Neo Geo which is around 15 years old. And for a console that old, graphics are quite impressive. Although, I would atleast expect some additional or improved graphics for the Xbox version. For example, the main menu looks extremely plain, and ugly. They could've easily redone that to look better. When I got online with xbox live, the menu made me feel like I was using DOS. Nothing looks attractive in this game, and they obviously didn't take advantage of the xbox's powerful system for this game. And look at the character select screen, there isn't even enough room to fit all the characters on it, so you have to press the R button on the inside rows to access these characters. These "hidden" characters are not very well hidden at all, and are not even unlockable. They might as well have redone the select screen, to make it look better and fit everyone on there. And the intro might be impressive for Neo Geo standards, but they could've took the time to make a nicer looking intro, even if it were anime. Sound: Sound is horrible. The menu and selection noises are extremely plain, and annoying. The music is probably some of the worst ever for fighting games. It does not hype you up or get you in the mood for the game. Infact, it makes you not want to play it. Replay Value: Very little replay value can be found on this game. The AI is very cheap, making you not want to play the single player. And xbox live players can be even more cheap, making the live capabilities useless. Overall, this game takes no advantage of the xbox's powerful processer. The game feels imcomplete, and rushed. There is a lack of excitement and little fun factor. Anyone new to the Capcom or especially the SNK scene should steer away from this game. SNK might have failed miserably with this game, but they have made a lot of great games in the past. With that in mind, this game gives SNK a bad reputation if this is the first game you've played by them. If you are a hard core fan of Capcom and/or SNK, then sure, I wont stop you from getting this game to add to your collection. But even fans will not find this game fun at all.
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