If you still think Kabuki Warriors is the worst fighting game ever made, you haven't played this digital abortion yet.
Sound is done equally poorly surprisingly. The impact of moves is extremely wimpy, the character voices are average, and the music for each stage, like the stages themselves, are bland and uninspired. The core game play is likewise handled very poorly, and considering the reputation SNK gained with their King of Fighters series this is a huge letdown. The game is horrifically unbalanced, (hidden characters accessible right from the start add to this) the hit detection is way off on a few moves, and the controls can vary from great to iffy character to character. A variety of exploits and ridiculously high combos are present as well, in online play this can affect it's competitive value in a major way.
The online play, the only thing that would have potentially made this worth checking out, is a horrific car wreck. You can setup a match, use quick match/opti-match, and when you find an equally skilled player who is not a special character scrub you can have some fun matches. Having those fun matches would be easier....if the game had a basic rematch option. In a mind numbingly idiotic move this was left out. The option to filter out juiced up boss characters could have salvaged the online to some small degree, but even that was apparently never seen as a needed option.
Remember the exploits I mentioned? In online you see them, a lot. An exploit that allows for repeated use of super moves, without draining super meter is present. Not to be confused with the maximum mode that genuinely allows that when you build 3 meters. Additionally the ranking is completely worthless, as the top players admit to using a cheat/exploit of some sort to stay on top, actually gaining points with losses and said losses not recording. Neither Microsoft XBL staff or SNK seem interested in doing anything about it either, and that is very discouraging.
To add insult to injury at launch SNK Playmore actually charged full price for this game. To be blunt, you would be wasting any amount of money here. I can't even recommend renting it, as you will feel even that small pocket change was wasted. It would be better spent getting a six pack of soda and some chips to snack on while you play much better XBL fighting games like DOA: Ultimate and the budget priced Guilty Gear #Reload. Only two types of people should buy this game, boss scrubs who need the empty validation of a meaningless rank they didn't earn, or people who are curious to see what happens when a game company presses concentrated grade A dog crap into the shape of a disc.
If you still think Kabuki Warriors is the worst fighting game ever made, you haven't played this digital abortion yet.