A high quality tactics and action game with powerful multiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | SWAT 4 PC
Swat series was always a big name in the industry with titlels such as swat 1and swat 3 the succesful. And now irrational games bring us another squad based tactical shooter with some of the elements seen in the previous games of swat and many new ones.

In swat 4 you play the leader of the elite police team that many counts as the best there is. In the game you will take command on 4 team members with soficticated AI and good dicipline. You can give them any order and they will obey it, from move to some place and open the door and throw flash.

The enemy was also given good AI and they will react to your actions as well.
If they find themselves out numberd they will run or simply shoot at you. Here is were you can choose how to take out the suspect: you can use a live ammo weapons like the m-4 and the 9mm mp's, or choose to take him to custedy with non deadly weapons such as the taser gun the paper spray or my favourite- the paper ball rifle which shoots peper balls at the enemy and take him out of controll. Then you will arrest him and secure the room.

All the maps in the single campaign as well in the multi are buildings with rooms and rooms you need to clean, like in the real situation the swat team face each day.
The various of weapons and equipment is very large and includes many kind of graneds and rifles. The rifles in the game act like the real ones and sound like the real ones as well. Overall this game is one of the most reallistic games availble in the market today so it won't attract all the gamers populations.
The sounds in the game adds high depth to the single campaign with its action like sounds and voices of your teammates and others. All the weapons sound good and real, so clearly Irrational did well in this area.

The graphics are up to date and use fine texture and shadows, and the models seems good. But the game is quite heavy and will not work on old computers.

The multiplayer is also a big part of the game and adds many hours to the game life. There is a baracide suspects situation that is much like team deatmatch, a cool vip mode- the swat team need to ascourt a vip and the suspects need to capture him, and last but not list is the death match with bombs in the map you need to defuse.

Overall this game is very neat tactic game with action along the way that will keep you setisfay for many many hours if you choose this game. I seriously recomanded swat 4 and think greatly about it.