Hmm singleplayer is werry chalenging in this game. but the funs starts at the multiplayer.

User Rating: 8.9 | SWAT 4 PC
Starting with gameplay-
Your the leader of a SWAT team, your mision is to neutralize suspects and save civilians. Additionaly devlopers made some juicy stuff to make it interesting, like bomb disposal and other stuff. This game forces player to think his next move, not running in a room guns blazing (well thats an option, but in later missions you might get shot realy fast) Should you chose a sting granade that has imediate effect, but short blowing distance or flash whos distance is long, or gas that can get around corners and cower so you can smoke suspects out from room? or you can mirror under the door to see what lies behind it. Theres so many posibilities that lets player to chose what he whant to do with what he got.
Graphics- Wery well done with them. You can see those little things that makes the game, like bottles, cans, guns. Graphics are very well done.
Hmm, in the heat of battle you realy dont hear the sound :)
But its very well done, if u play some time like me you can tell with what gun oponent is shooting from. Voices are done realy good. you can feel the difrence betveen il Cower you and Go Go go or Lets move.
well if you will buy the game you will get some cherable moments, and mutch fun, that will make you smile all day.

Games multiplayer is pefectly done. it has three difrent modes - BS ( Baricaded Suspects) where theres no objectives. Kills are worth 1 point and arrests 5 so the team with the most points wins.
RD( Rapid Deployment) SWAT team must defuse 3 to 5 bombs randomly spread in the map and suspects must protect the bombs from SWAT members.
VIP escort
SWAT team must escort VIP (randomly chosen SWAT team member) to the maps exit point.
Suspects must capture the VIP and hold him for 2 min and then asasinate him, meanwhile SWAT must free him before 2 min are up.

Cya in game if you see me then your lucky to met with the best in the job.
{KL}Omega36 from KahunaLand :)
Have fun playing this game, and i bet you will.