Great game, KICK Rainbow six's BUTT big time
I would say the game is better than rainbow six series in many ways.
first of all, There are many guns to choose from, all of which are different and have their own unique abilitys. for example the ak 74 rilfe is great for taking down those targets with body armor, but if your going against someone who is a little more safe, you can go in with a 9mm mp5.
The game play is great and challenges you to redo missions to get higher scores, (higher scores equal less people dieing, and more arrests instead of kills) but this is more easily said than done, to arrest someone you can press the action button which makes you yell "FREEZE, HANDS UP" and some times they comply and some times they dont. but the best thing about being able to yell at the people in the game is that it is easy to distinguish enemy from civilian who are often dressed alike because civilians always drop to their knees, leaving you plenty of space to put down some lead on the enemys chests. Another good feature about this game is that you have the option to pepper spray, taser, and pepper ball (paintball gun with peper balls instead) to gain extra points for no deaths.
The game offers the use of video cameras at the end of a stick to check under doors, and live video feeds from your teammates to see what they are up to.
Commanding teammates is a breeze and done with one button which leads into an array of commands that they can follow, with out hurting themselves unlike RAINBOW SIX. In this game, they can flash or frag a room perfectly and then rush in with precision. You also have the option of dividing the group up into somthing like 4 different teams, all of which can follow different commands, so one team can go storm a room from the back, while another team provides cover from enemys that may wonder down the hall while another flashes the room to prep it for being raided.
The A.I are great and the enemys are all diferent , some have more skill than others, and some have weak hearts and will surrender at as soon as you tell them too. They will hide from flashes, try shut door on you, aswell as sneak up on you aswell.
to conclude this game is a MUST HAVE for any fan of the rainbow six series, BECAUSE ITS WAY BETTER !!!
Hands down the best tactical police shooter to date.
can be purchased for under 20 bucks at most retailers.
i give it a 9, AWESOME
oh yay i forgot to mension the multiplayer, yes !!
you have the option of doing missions with online players, aswell as go head to head, SWAT vs Swat against them. and its great. Flash bangs , tasers, and pepper sprays all are a riot when doing it to an actual person who can fight back cuz they are to busy, SHAKING, and convulsing due to the pepper spray u sprayed in their eyes and the taser lodged in their neck.