Fina tactical shooter, in the option of 2005.
Well it's a great doubt, no question, no **** a fine game. With great graphic, great singleplayer skirmish, decent campaign, excellent multiplayer , nice gameplay, challenging one-life system(No save point in entire mission), realistic bullet demages( You get worse shooting with a hand wounded, or move slower with legs hit, and die by a single bullet in the head..), since it could be really difficult(It really hurt!!!!! When 35 terrorists with assault rifles of increditable demage and accuracy, and while your teammates AI are solid and dumb), and so it really require tactical shooting instead of run-gun ones..
The multiplayer was the BEST!!!!!! It have co-op, team-death, bomb disarm and the interesting VIP mode..the VIP mode is especially fun to play..
Well, about its bad side..clearly, it lack a simple melee system...when you're outta ammo(especially the ammo you have is limited, and you couldn't pick up enemy weapons to use), you are just waiting to die without even a last stand with some melee demage or knife till the enemy..
Sometimes it's really too hard...when you have to fight against 35 terrorist with Ak-47 with very limited ammo and very limited of not dead before 2-3 shot..and sometimes just once in neck, you are dead..with NO svae if you die after killing 34 terrorists..definily too lucky...
And, the load times is sometimes too long, especially in multiplayer, when need to load every time you get to the server, and then load again for the server map, or even IF you fail to connect to the server, you need to load again..That's what kill my patience for this game and turn for COD2 in 2006..
Graphic in 2005 option is great :8.5/10
Value-9/10( A SWAT series legend)
Realistic level-9/10