One of the best games on XBLA, money well spent.
User Rating: 9 | Switchball X360
As someone who hesistates to purchase Microsoft points, the trial of the game had to have a large impression on me to motivate me to buy 800 of them. It succeeded in persuading me, and I'm delighted to say this was money well spent. The game is incredibly fun, anyone who played Marble Madness back in the day or has interest in ball games at all will love Switchball. The single player is lengthy, there are five worlds each consisting of six levels. You can also be rewarded bronze, silver and gold medals depending on how quickly you finish each level. Achieving these medals unlocks achievements, this adds a lot of replay value to the already lengthy single player. Multiplayer is great, the levels are well thought out and the very idea of racing along knocking eachother off the platforms is very entertaining. There is also come co-op, but I have yet to try this. There are some issues in the game which one would think requires a patch, there is some screen tearing (although I have to say this doesn't bother me at all). The multiplayer is also very glitchy and at times can be completely unfunctional. The issue that frustrates me most is that at the end of every multiplayer match, there is no option to continue as a group. It exits back to the main menu so you have to find a new game, which as mentioned can be unfunctional. The good thing about the issues mentioned is that it can all be fixed with a patch, which I'm sure isn't long off.
Overall, one of the best games on XBLA.