The game is fun to play, has good graphics and nice music. It's only downfall is how easy the game is.
The game has a descent story, but it's not very deep like the Golden Sun or Final Fantasy games. The character sprites are large and the games environments are beautiful. My only complaint with the graphics is that if you run, sometimes the other sprites/objects will wobble. Nothing drastic, just annoying.
The game has classic RPG music, all piano, etc. but it fits into the game and when something sad happens (and this happens a lot), very depressing music is played but unfortunately the people that die - you dont know enough about them to feel sad about them being killed, so that kind of ruins the effect.
The worst thing about the game i that for the majority, it's just too easy. It is fun but not really a challenge, and you when you finish the game (which lasts about 40 hours long) it doesnt have a lot of replay value. Sure you can explore the whole world, but there isnt much else to do, except for a few etxtra quests.
All in all, this is a very enjoyable game that is great to play, but once finished will rarely be touched again.