An awesome action packed empire building game. However very difficult at times.
I have had this game for 2 weeks now and still have not been able to win. Even with the game set on easy. Although it is not the AI players that are besting me it is the menaces. Every once is a while in the game an even will happen. Such as asterioids that need to be shot down to protect a colony or even more sinister Locusts. These add to the games overall difficulty because you are already battling the Computer players or other people (more on that later) when this sphere of death come rolling into your domain.
Also putting the game on easy does not mean the AI will not build monster large fleets. No matter what be prepared for a long drawn out confrontation if you see a fleet heading to one of your planets sometimes its just one scout ship. Sometimes its a Hiver invasion fleet of about 250 ships.
Although I have not played multi player it sounds very different then what has been done in previous 4x games. When you start you may be playing with 2 other people. if one person quits then the AI takes over if some one joins then he takes over an AI position. You can also set the AI policy to either expand the empire or maintain it and protect. So when you leave the AI will follow this policy. At first I thought, Jeez I can't believe I spent 50 dollars on a game that is impossible to win at. But I can't seem to put it down. Next I will try a custom game with no random events and hope that the locust will not come.