Syberia II's beautiful and wonderfully imaginative world alone is enough to make the game worth your while.
STORY - The game starts of with Kate Walker and Hans Voralberg setting out on a perilous journey to find the isle of Syberia.However things dont go as planned and they are stuck in a town called Romansburg which the citizens say is the last town and nothing lies further.But this wont stop Hans Voralberg to find out about the legend of Syberia and Existing Mammoths.
Does Hans Voralberg obsession of the island of Syberia and Mammoths finally pay off???.This you will know only when you play Syberia 2.
The game has a very enjoyable story and has an emotional touch to it.
However the game ends quite abrubtly leaving people to wonder if the game is really over.
However the few characters have been very well sketched out.
The story is also slow paced.
The perfect tagline for Syberia 2 can be " How far can you go to realize your Dreams."
GAMEPLAY - Syberia 2 is what we call as Point-and-Click Adventure game.
You move around in Gorgeous 3D environments presented in cinematic view.You'll interact with people and objects and collecting stuff in hope that it might come in handy in any future puzzles.
You move your mouse pointer over the screen like a Metal Detector in hope of some interactivity.This is quite fun at times but it may get a bit annoying also.
In order to continue your journey you have to solve some Mind-Boggling Puzzles.While some puzzles are obvious others will make you say
"How was i supposed to figure that out?".
Although all puzzles manage to interact with the environment quite well and are challenging ,most often their solution are not as obvious as they should be.They rely too much on luck.
Also what is missing is that you dont have any clue regarding your objectives.Most of the time you'll be wondering "Now What?".
GRAPHICS - Syberia 2's visuals are just Fantanstic.Each Screen is a Masterpiece of Art and the overall presentation is Beautiful.
Syberia 2 has fully rendered environments thus there is scope for artistic creativity and cinematic angles.
The weather effects (Only Snow falling) is done exceptionally well and the textures are at its best.
The Cutscenes feature beautiful visuals and blend quite well with the graphics of the game.
All in all Syberia 2 has wonderful graphics and is a break from the usual stuff.
SOUND - The music of Syberia 2 is what we can say as fresh and "alive"
Each theme suits the situation very well.
Each and every footstep which Kate takes is accounted for and the surface which she walks produces a sound that resembles exactly as in real life.
All characters of Syberia 2 are memorable due to the excellent voice acting.
It brings the character to life giving them a charming personality.
Syberia 2 has a good mix of Sound and Music which is most satisfying.
UPSIDE - Gorgeous Visuals , Challenging Puzzles , A good Story , Good Voice Acting.
DOWNSIDE - Puzzles can be frustrating at times , Little Help Interface, Too short (8-10 hrs of gameplay), Ends Abrubtly.
Syberia 2 does a great job of storytelling and leaves you satisfied.
However you may have some unanswered questions.
This game is an experience you shouldnt miss and is highly recommended to anyone who is looking for a good story and mind-boggling puzzles.
This game is a true adventure game in all its aspects and proves why adventure gaming is full of life.