Rail shooter that is, if anything, overrated. If you've played "good" games before, you will not be impressed.
Overall though for the visuals, it falls short because of the insane amount of bloom burn. If you think about it you can understand the idea behind why the world burns so bright... but just because it is metaphoric, or even philosophical doesn't mean it works. It's a cheap concept that actually contradicts the practical and logical elements in the story. Yes these agents burn bright with super tech (more Blade Runner fans), but ultimately that would give them greater perceptive abilities than the normal meatling with a chip in their head... yet you are constantly blinded by every little light.
The bloom is worse than BFBC2... with the exception that you're not really missing out on much. The world is a nice enough design, but ultimately it's built and textured in a way that the bloom burn tries to hide it's flaws and flatness. It doesn't have the lush vibrance of a corporate future that Brink had. And while BFBC2 was stupidly bloomed, hiding what was a really nicely built and textured world/levels... Sydnicate isn't hiding something better. By 2012 standards for a AAA title, it doesn't cut the mustard.
And the voice acting? Hollywood actors... and it's obvious they're screen actors and not voice actors. While these guys and gal are good onscreen, they sound limited in their performances. Or then again that might come from the aged technique of lifeless ingame animation to the characters.
Oh yeah, and the story... a reader's digest version of Deus Ex 1 as far as I'm concerned. It didn't even capture that dark seedy digital apocalyptic feel of the original RTS it's based on in terms of franchising. The only similarity to the original design was the trenchcoats on the agents.
BUT all that aside... gameplay?
Disappointing. It's a rail shooter, and a console one at that. Near the end it becomes outright infuriating the amount of times you have to do that idiotic "tap F" to open a door or pry back a steel grate. There are so many cinematic moments where you lose most or complete control of the character, but those tapping sequences are not a gameplay mechanic. It's idiot generation pandering.
And FFS, what kind of super tech'ed killer agent constantly looks down while opening doors and grates. Where is the tactical advantage in breaching an unknown area by looking at the floor... it doesn't make those surprise attacks while you're vulnerable seem dramatic, just obviously stoopid. Like horror films where you scream at the idiot not to walk blindly into the dark room where that serial killer just ran into.
And the actual FPS mechanics... disappointing also. The chip breaching element is a great idea along with the digital DART overlay, but ultimately you could play the game without ever using it until the game forces you to (and it does force you to). The enemies are much like mass slaughterfests like Serious Sam or the original Dooms... there are levels where you simply will not be allowed access to a door or switch until you wipe out the meat currently coming at you through various doors, wave after wave.
And each time a new, bigger and badder baddie makes a contribution to the challenge mechanic, we get a few seconds of focused cinematic entrance so that you know it's "boss time"... for minor bosses, and especially agent bosses. It doesn't help, it just comes across as cheesy and is a cheap design choice. We ain't livin in the 8-bit console days anymore.
All of the "bosses" are killable with one method alone... one string of procedures that are devoid of tactics. Like the ole slaughterfests it's just attack-sequence and avoid taking damage really. I really don't understand how people are impressed with the AI. Sure they're not running into walls and actually try to take cover to survive long enough to take you out, but they're predictable... pitifully predictable.
I was really hoping this would have some potential but it seemed like such a waste of my time.
Perhaps I'm getting way too old for games now. I have no desire to go back to the golden era of classics because I played them when they were innovative and relevant... I got more than I needed out of them... and now I see a massive selection of mediocrity. Where is the innovation AND challenge AND storyline of the level of intelligence and quality control of the original Deus Ex or the first 2 Max Paynes? Or just the stupid fun factor that sucked you into the GTA3 trilogy? Popular games that simply emulating (not imitating) would result in a decent game.
This game on its own isn't really that horrible to inspire hate, but being part of the collective of AAA titles that you can't help but wonder how they could justify spending all that money on such a massive development team... how can they be so consistent in failing to make a GAME these days?
2012 + Rail Shooter = You're a waste of space.
I'm done giving developers alittle consideration towards publisher/deadline pressure and so forth. Grow some stones and make a good game or get out of the industry you talentless, spineless hacks.
Don't waste your life with Syndicate, if you've experienced quality games/movies/books before this is forgettable even while you're playing it.
Oh yeah, and it's another one of those must-load-through-Origin DRM titles. What a bonus.