The wait is over there is finally a good shooter on the PSP!

User Rating: 9.2 | Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror PSP
I am a big fan of shooters(first and third person) and I have been waiting for a good one to come out on PSP ever since I got mine, but all the shooters that came out were not rated very good. My wait is finally over thanks to Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror. So lets see just why this game is great.

Gameplay: The PSP has always had problems with shooters due to the lack of a second analog stick. But Syphon Filter fixed the problem with a layout that works alomst perfectly. You move around with the analog stick and turn and aim your gun with the face buttons ( X O etc..) while the direction buttons do various actions. The up button will reload your gun, climb on objects(if your near one that you can climb), and make you jump up and graba ledge. The left button brings up a goggle screen with four different goggles(nightvision, heat detector, and a couple more), and from that screen you press a face button to pick which goggles you want to wear. The right button brings up a gun selection screen and you press a face button to choos a gun(or your fists). The down button puts you in a squatting postion which improves your accuracy and you can duck behind objects to get away from gunfire. The only very small problem I had with the controls was the aiming with the face buttons. It does work wonderfully but it does take some getting used to. 9/10

Graphics: The graphics for SP:DD are the best I have seen on the PSP. The cutscene graphics are absolutley beautiful. I was amazed at how very nicely done they were. The in game graphice are wonderful as well. The character models are very greatly done along with the enemy character models. The enviroments look gorgeous with many trees and snow or rain in the outside levels, and the inside levels are great as well. The only thing I can say about the graphics is ' wonderful'. 10/10

Sound: Voiceover has always been a problem on handheld systems. The PSP however is capable of doing it very well. SP:DD takes advantage of that and delivers fantastic voiceovers for all the characters. The enemy AI will shout things to each other during gun fights or if they spot you while you are trying to hide.The sound was very well done in this game but I did have a coule problems. First they didnt have subtitles at the bottom of the screen which I always like to have in a game incase I am gong somewhere in a car full of people or in a room with somebody who is watching T.V who doesnt want to hear my game going on. Second, all the guns sound the same when fired the handguns will sound the same as a machine gun(except the machine gun is faster). But other than those minor problems the sound was very well done. 9/10

Value: The game is fairly short whoch is a letdown for me, but im sure I am going to play through again and Im sure anyone else who plays the game will too,but its not the kind of game where you will want to play it through 5 times. 2 times maybe but no more than 3 . But SP:DD sets out what it wanted to do and deliver a good experience. The game also includes multiplayer(ad-hoc) which is a huge plus and does add some value to the game. The multiplayer is very fun and it will bring you back for more. 9/10