Finally a good 3rd person shooter for the PSP

User Rating: 9.1 | Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror PSP
In terms of gameplay, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror has amazing graphics for the PSP and is lag free. It is a very fun and addicting game. You have a variety of goggles like the ESDU goggles to see electromagnetic pulses, thermo goggles to see people past walls, and obviously night vision goggles. The game has a variety of weapons that you start out with and you can also take from a dead enemy. You also can use hand-to-hand combat, a knife, and a type of gun that shoots out a wire of electricity that shocks and eventually lights the enemy on fire. The game also has a very good online system that supports up to 8 players with infrastructure and 6 players with ad hoc. So if you want a solid 3rd person shooter that you should definitely check this game out