It's like a really good Ice Cream Flavor.

User Rating: 9.2 | Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror PSP
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror is the best Syphon Filter since the first one on the Playstation. This is just my opinion but how many people can say they played every Syphon Filter game and cared for the series. The first Syphon Filter had something Metal Gear Did not, Massive Shootouts and Less hiding, Wanna kill something in this game you gotta shoot it not hide and choke it. make all the noise you want it's not gonna make more or less enemys come out. This works well for Syphon Filter Where logan isn't exacally hiding more than just trying to get a job done ASAP.

If your Looking for a game kinda like MGS but without the Hiding and Slow Fire fights like it then Syphon Filter may be for you. the Only Deathmatch in SF-DM are really well organized and have objective based Matches , it all works really well.