This game is great for this kind of shooter...

User Rating: 9 | Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow PSP
This game lived up to my expectations easily. I love this game because of how well it was put together. Even though you should not expect a lot of great PSP shooters this is one of my top 5. The controls are simple and once you get the controls figured out this game is a whole lot easier. The graphics ROCK, the details however I am disappointed in. For example when you reload your weapon his hand just flings around in a realistic motion but no part of his gun moves. This is minor though so don't let that make you change your mind. The AI ( Artificial Intelligence) is okay. Sure, the people you fight take cover and all that stuff great, but you can stand right next to them and look at their face for like 3 seconds before they notice you. The online multiplayer is also great for the PSP. Even though this is considered a tactical shooter you only get a few chances in the game to do James Bond style moves. You choose from a selection of weapons and visors. The thing that bugs me is that it can sometimes take like 20 shots with your weapon to take someone down. You unlock bonus levels and can replay missions that you beat. This game has 6 chapters and each chapter has 3 to 6 levels, so it is pretty long. I would recommend this game to almost anybody.

Overall 4/5 stars (buy it)