Couldn't match up to it's parent game.

User Rating: 8 | Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow PSP
The game is really good. There are many problems with it though. The single player is fun but it doesn't have the same feel as the first game. Its not as fun and exhilarating as the first game. It also may have less action. The hardest difficulty is not that hard if you have played the previous game. Also there is not really too much replay value considering you really don't have anything to replay it for. Despite those problems the single player is quite entertaining and will keep you occupied. The online isn't too bad even though it couldn't compare to it's parent game. Although they left the original game types they should have just taken them out. They butchered them and people play the newer less entertaining game typed that if you've played Dark Mirror you most likely will not like these new game types. The game is pretty good but not great or anywhere near as good as Dark Mirror.