The Best Syphon Filter game now.

User Rating: 9 | Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain PS2
I have to disagree with Gamespot for giving this game a 6.5. So did PSP magazine,and I don't understand it. When I first played the Omega Strain at Gamestop, I fell in love with the game. To start off, the graphics heavily improved. The option of choosing so many weapons was creative and that had originality. The missions required some common sense, and the feature of receiving weapons for completing missions left me addicted. The game also had more control over the last Syphon Filter games. Now, it was idiotic to run around and shoot at the same time, you had to strategize to get what you want now The reason why the first creation of Syphon Filter wasn't that popular was because people looked at it as a wannabe Metal Gear Solid (since that time, Metal Gear Solid just came out and it was a hit). I also liked how you had to beat the missions in most stages. At first I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but then I later realized what I was doing wrong. To close it all up, Syphon Filter:The Omega Strain AT LEAST gets an 8.5 in my book. The best Syphon Filter game created as of right now.