The best game I have ever played to date

User Rating: 10 | Syphon Filter PS
While I have played and beaten this game over 20 times and had it since 1998 I figured that I would finally write a review.

The story of the game is not the most original of stories but it works. A terrorist known as Eric Rhomer is working with an agency that has control of a deadly virus known as Syphon Filter. You play as Gabe Logan, basicaly a stealthy run and gun kinda guy and try and stop them from unleashing the virus upon the world.

Simple but fantastic. The gameplay in this game varies from gun fights to sneaky stealth missions. The gunplay consists mainly of locking on using the R1 button and blasting away using the square button. This is very useful for taking down alot of bad guy and is almost vital to your survival. You can also use the L1 button to get more accurate shots and head shots. Once you get good at this game you can nail off head shots like nothing. The stealth missions are the hardest missions in the game unless your good at stealth but very unforgiving. If you get spotted at all you have to start over again. Once again though this is somthing that you will get used to fast and then it becomes a lot less frusturating. There are a good chunk of missions in this game, however it can be beaten in about 5 hours or less if you are good enough but game obviously has a lot of replay value. There is no unlockables or anything like that but its fun to play the game again just to experience it. The weapons in this game are what you would expect to find in a stealth action game, but by far the fan favorite is the taser which if you shock an enemy long enough you will start them on fire.

Well since we are in the era of next-gen the graphics aren't going to seem good at all, but think back to 1998 when the game came out they were probaly pretty impressive or at least good looking.

Overall this game is simply amazing. Being my favorite game of all time I highly recommend this game to anyone whos looking for some old school stealth action or just some fun.