this game is neither too esy nor too difficult,,but u can get stuck in singelplayer,,but its a blast,,gr8 multi-play;)
Logan's the man=)I) ,,,,awesome story,,clever done;) kind off--futuristic ;p
everythiing about this game is a blast,,
it delivers on the graphics and the ideas are executed pretty well,,,
everything from stealth,,to exploring areas ,,talking to ppl,, finding out what ur missions is all about,,and also missions are quite nice
and the levels and areas are treasures to keep=) ,,,,
all the char are interesting and mark theyr believability;) ,,
logan is a cool guy but maybe not the most interestign here after all,,of them all ;)
split screen with a friend is a blast to play and also the maps of multiplayer and coop is clever done,,amazing and pretty fun ,,
now all the weapons are cool and work good enough ,,
only negative is that this game is not flawless and u will find the reaons for that later,,maybe like afteer u finished the game... has some minor techncal problems that can occur and also may frequently and how ur char mov,,specially in coop play;)
gl and have fun =) ,,i did ;)