OMG it's the T2: The arcade game from the Arcade Shrunk down for your Game Boy. How awesome is this.....Right.....Right?
Name: T2: The Arcade Game
Platforms this game is available on: GB/SNES/GEN/ARC
Platform that this game is being reviewed on: GB
Publisher: Acclaim
Developer: Beam Software
Genre: Action/FPS Rail Shooter
Difficulty: Very Hard
Learning Curve: 1 Hour
Number of Players: 1
Online Players: 0
Online Modes: None
Offline Modes: Story mode
Release Date: 1994
ESRB Rating: No Rating
ESRB Description: See Above
Score: 3 out of 10
Game Price
Price Used: $5.89 (
Price New: (Not produced new anymore)
Is there a Game Guide Book Available: No
Price Used:
Price New:
Anything Else That is exclusive for this game: No
Price Used:
Price New:
Back in 1991 one of the movies that really changed my view of how things could be was the classic known as Terminator 2: Judgement Day. This moving had it all. Awesome Effect, Great Acting and a great storyline for it being a sequel so I was hyped when back in 1994 I came across a video game for my Game boy known as T2: The Arcade Game. That's right my friends they took the awesomeness of the T2: Arcade Game and shrunk it down to a game boy. I thought: Holy crap no I don't need to spend .25 to play the game anymore I could play it for free all I wanted at home. So I happily forked over the $39.99 for this game I was so happy I couldn't stop reading the back: "Play as Arnold as he fights his way across time" I thought: "Awesome this is going to be from the view of Arnold I'll get to play as the Terminator himself." I got home ran to my room pulled out my case that had my Game boy and 20+ games in it I pulled the game out of it's box and I plugged it into my GB. The Nintendo logo came up and I was telling it: "Hurry up" than the game started my eagerness was litterly replaced by three simple words. "What the **** granted it looked liked the Arcade game but it was really scaled back for one thing you would really have to squint to see the bullets. and the cursor was very jumpy. Not cool at all. I tried to deal with it than another issue came up, Your ammo supply would run down really quick than you would have to wait while your gun would recharge it's either wait about 2 minutes while your get the living hell blown out of you or you deplete your ammo and lower yourself to firing 1 bullet at a time. Which kind of looks kind of sad when your fighting a terminator. Even with this issue I was still willing to forgive it. Than the final straw broke my back. They made almost everything hard to see, Why? because they crowded so much crap onto the screen it's hard to see what it is you were looking for. By this point I was 2 levels into the game and I was litterly getting killed by things that were the size of seeds. That's right they expect you to try and locate something that is the size of the tip of your pin and kill it. Now if that wasn't bad enough you also have to try and navigate with that jumpy Cursor. Now it's been over 14 years since I played it so I can't go into great description of how it ended but suffice to say it tried to stick to the Arcades version but because it was so scaled down it wasn't as good. Another issue I had with my copy I'm not sure if anyone else did but it seems that wherever my cursor was or fired it seemed to leave a temp image I'm wondering if that was because it was on a Green and Black screen but it didn't help. But Anyway I'll let you play it. This game is not for everyone unless you have a Game Genie for your Game boy don't get this game because you'll be dead by the 3rd level. This game gets a 3 out of 10 because to be honest it sucked. The AI, the Image and the Cursor was just among some of the many issues with the game. There was no rating for this game I think this is because the game was just released before the Ratings took effect. So unless your a sucker for pain or you like crappy games. Don't get this game for anything.