A unique amaginative space flight sim
User Rating: 8 | Tachyon: The Fringe PC
Tachyon is a space flight sim game unlike most. while the graphics are not to great the gameplay more than makes up for it, whether you like different ship options, having multiple ships to choose from for each mission or having to earn your new weapons and ships there is something in the game for everybody. The game starts out you just got a job with a ship fighter escort company, you have about ten missions that you can do before you have to decide which path in the game to take. To play through the full game without skipping any missions on the medium difficulty you can expect to take about 20 to 30 hours of playing time on your first run, if you choose to play through the alternate path (depending on how fast you got the controls memorized)you will probably get another 15 to 25
hours of game-play.