This Title May Not Be As Good As The Playstation Title, But Its Definetly Good Enough To Earn Its Place In The Series.

User Rating: 9.2 | Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis GBA
My first title in this series was on the playstation. when i got this game i was sure i was in for quite decent strategic game. once started i was surprised by the changes, but that did not made me think this is not a great title.

Graphics = Decent and clear. nice backgrounds and character sprites and portraits as well as beautiful climate conditions. everything is great in terms of graphics. there is only one thing to point and thats that the spell magic effects should have been better alongwith some of the skills. overall the graphics are amazing and one of the best in the gba.

Story = Story really has its own value in such games, and i have recently came to know that the hero here is one of the important characters on the original tactics ogre of playstation. the story is fresh and decent. there is a scared weapon which can bring chaos and everyone is after it. the game starts with intelligent way and also the traditional way which this series is known for. and just like in the series, there are a lot of twists and thus making different choices determines the end of the story. the story is really solid and never feel predictable due to its decent twists. overall there are lots of secrets in the story and the way its been narrated there is no way one can predict on what is going to happen now.

Gameplay = Gameplay is as good as the original in the series, however there are now less classes to choose and also the turn-based system is bit altered now making everyone is able to move without the respect of the stats whenever the player gets his turn. stats where the major factor in the earlier title and is important here but not as much as its supposed to be. but even with this faults, the gameplay makes sure the game has the right to have its own importance in the series. the games starts with npc's at first but soon one can have a party of his own. the classes are self-explanatory and overall there is nice manual of the game within the game so there is really no confusion here. there is also a new addition called quest mode, but its really nothing major in my opinion as all it gives are items which are hard but not impossible to find within the original mode in the game itself. but its decent enough, but its also hard to find rare items as the conditions need to be hardened in order to gain them for e.g. defeating everyone within 10 turns would earn you better items then selecting the same condition within 20 turns. the enemies level-up with you so its rather hard to have the upper hand here. now thats one of the most annoying factor for me as i would like to have the upper hand on the enemies in any game i play. also the leveling is harder this time around. but if one does the random fights often then there should be no problems leveling-up. there are hidden characters as well as classes to be found which really adds enough material to make the game look great. this game is also long enough to keep anyone satisfied. overall its all good enough that makes the game have its own importance in the series.

Now those who would compare it would need to remember that the game is on the gba, sure it has some faults but nothing major is done here. so fans in the series will be deilghted and new players too will like the game when given the game a chance.