Tactics Ogre the greatest strategy game of all.

User Rating: 9.3 | Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis GBA
This game totally rocks. The detail and complexity of the game is amazing. I don't know where to begin. The Story- Man vs. Fallen Angel 'nuff said. There is a well balanced character class system, though I could use more. The whole emblem based system kicks butt( Even Gamespot uses it). The ability to different amounts of damge to an enemy depending on how you face them or how high or low you elevation is to theirs. The whole biorythm concept is amazing. If your character is having a bad day you don't do as much damage or you miss more. Unique. Lots of weapons, and characters. A TON of secret stuff keeps you playing for hours on end. I Highly recommend this game. I have loaned it to all my friends to play and most have bought their own copy. This may be my all-time favorite game.