TAGAP is a great independent, but still underestimated game, one of the best games I have ever played.
So, just to begin with, the game is divided into ten levels, and some of these levels are also divided in two parts. As in every other game, the objective is to successfully complete the ten levels in order to finish the game, nevertheless if you wish to complete the game how it's meant to be, you have to unlock some achievements, you can do this by founding something that has been hidden, or by doing certain things which I will explain later.
The main character is called Pablo and the antagonist Pedro. Both of them are cyber-penguins, engendered to be more intelligent that the rest of the penguins, the difference is that Pablo decides to revolt against the scientist that designed them: Dr. Glowenko, and Pedro leads the penguin army set out to kill Pablo. This army is formed by thousands of zombie penguins, penguins doped to such a state by the means of green pills, or TAGAP(Tissue Augmenting Green Addictive Pill); and penguinators, which are nothing more than killer robot penguins. The objective is simple, kill everything, find the exit and defeat Pedro. Of course, you can't do this without proper weapons which is why, throughout the game, you will find seven different weapons besides the Uzi (this is the one you start playing with) each one with a maximum of 999 rounds. To help you in the game, you have something called power–ups, which are:
- Pills: in this category, we have TAGAP (to much of this pill can cause a state called overdose), one up pills, speed pills and steroids.
- Med-kits
- Quad damage: this increases the amount of fired rounds
- Credit cards
Now, let's go back to the achievements. This are some kind of "emblems" awarded for doing a specific thing for example, the first eleven achievements are awarded for completing each and every one of the ten levels, and one for completing the game. The, we have some more specific achievements, awarded for getting a new high score, killing 500 penguins in one level, dying 50 times and several other things. One of these achievements is called "Spiegelkugel", and it's awarded for locating the hidden funky penguin (in case someone is interested, I have a video in which I show where to find it).
To finish this review, I would like to recommend this game to anyone who likes violent but funny games, I say this because even though the "victims" are penguins, there is still a lot of blood, after all, I think this, and of course the green pill, is the main reason why the game is called TAGAP or The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins.