Nice package, but could've been better.
It is just too bad for the light-gun games: Operation Wolf, Operation Thunderbolt, Space Gun, and Battle Shark. There is no light-gun support and that really brings this game's score down. Playing with the game's controller is not the same thing. It puzzles me, I wonder why they didn't make light-gun support. Some people would've liked to be able to dust off their Xbox light-guns that they only got to use for two games. Well, those games are still playable though.
Another thing that might bother people is their is no online-score board. I'm pretty sure some people would like to show off their scores. Also, I have to say some of the games in this collection get boring quick. Elevator Action for one, as for Super Qix, I don't know if it's fun or not. The New Zealand Story is pretty fun and challenging, the platforming in it reminds me of Super Mario Bros. Just reminds, because it's fun, but not as fun as that. And classics like Bubble Bobble is great multiplayer fun. And some great multiplayer action with Thunderfox and Ninja Kids.
One thing I really liked about the collection is the presentation and easy-to-navigate menus. I like how your able to scroll through the games and look up information about them before you play. Most of the games have flyers too. A few even have interviews which are nice extras. Even though, I have complaints and I don't think this is the best compilation, it's certainly not the worst, plus it's budget priced, and if you like classic games, go ahead and pick it up or rent it.