One of the best games on the PSP at the moment.

User Rating: 9 | Tales of Eternia PSP
Tales of Eternia is another game from Namco in the "Tales of " series and it matches up well with some of their best. And like most "Tales of" games this is a real time RPG.

Gameplay: The action in this game takes place on a 2D plane and is most likeable to a fighting game with your normal attacks and your special techniques. The difference is that at most times you'll have 3 computer controlled characters backing you up. These characters behaviors can be changed by the player at will and in general you'll always have good control over what your team mates are doing. The game also has great load times so you won't be sitting around doing nothing very often.

Story: The story (as usual) has you saving the world from evil but thats not to say it isn't good. It has quite a bit of variety and the characters are likeable. The story is also quite lengthy, with a few sidequests to do as well.

Graphics: The graphics in this game are mainly 2D, but they still look good and some of the particle effects are downright lovely.

Sound: The voice acting is so-so but its nice to see it there. Music is nice though (The typical RPG sort) and it can really add to the feel of the game.

Overall: This is a great game, and is great in all areas. Be prepare to lose a good chunk of your life to this game.