Remember the really old-school rpgs on the SNES and PS? Well this is one of em, and its still great today.

User Rating: 8.8 | Tales of Eternia PSP
Well, as one fo the old scool rpg fanatics, i wasa so happy to learn that one of em was coming out on the psp. That being, Tales of Eternia. I loved the original, plus i loved the whole Tales series, so there was a high chance that I would love this one. It feels wierd to be playing t on such a small screen, and as such, it is a bit moire difficult to get into. But once i did get into it, there was no turning back, and my other psp games are feeling the pinch of not being played. First off

GAMEPLAY - sure, its been done, but i still find it very interesting, unique and immersive. The best ting is only being able to fully control the main character when the battles start up. Sometimes, one choice can make the battle extremely hard or ease it up a little bit. The strategy aspects are also great, because they do affect the battle, but not to a point where it needs to be changed every fight. Also, the mini games inside the game are good as little distractions, but theres no real reason to do them, just to tear you away from the main stroy a bit.

GRAPHICS - Cant expect anything anything grapic wise from the game, but ive always loved the way its done. Nice scenery, back drops and drawings. Coulda cleaned up the travelling parts, but im happy with it. Nice drawn cutscene to open.

SOUND - Love the music, as it amplifies tension and the story. Again, cant expect too much but its good imo.

VALUE - A long story which is entralling and it continues to build. Worth paying and worth getting into for the story alone.

Overall , a game that if you give a chance and get into, you will love if you one of the old school enthusiasts like me, or are just looking for a good rpg on the psp. Can get difficult at times, but not so hard that it becomes unbeatable. Just use strategy, as it can help you beat a formally 'unbeatable' boss. Always watch your cahracter and enjoy!