User Rating: 10 | Tales of Eternia PSP
i bought this game six months ago and what i have to say that this game has everything an rpg has to have it´s great game just great.

you play as a boy named reid who is a hunter, you have a close child-hood friend called farah who joins you in your journey at the start of the game.You start in far away village rasheans which is your home town from there you find out theres been an explosion somewhere near the forest and that´s where you meat Meredy a celestian(i will explain later) you won´t understand her language but you will soon know how to talk to her.

so you start in this world where there are two types of human the inferians and the celestians. Inferians are normal human and celestians are modern humans who have a fibriel and dark skin.

The game has cut scenes at the beginning of the game until the end of it (note: game is long but that´s what makes this game good) when characters talk they actually have real voice sounds when the text is written.
There are three types of navigating throughout the world the airbird ,the sub and the VAN ELTIA which changes at times in the game so it becomes bigger with space to put inn´s,game arcade room or teleportation device.
You can have four people on your team characters are reid, keale, farah,meredy,max,chat.

The sound of the game is excellent and has no problems for example some towns has nice songs for example rasheans. Graphics are good but a bit dull when fighting against monsters.Magic graphics are cool and so is the gameplay and controls.

This game is excellent if you are looking for a good rpg game then buy this coz i haven´t putted it down ever since i bought it.