A standard Tales Game, and that is what makes it wonderful.
This is a standard tales game, if you have played any of the tales games you already know what to expect from the gameplay, and you will buy this game for that gameplay, that you already love, and for the new story.
The tales games are RPG games with active fighting, in this case the world is a beautiful 2D Isometric view giving it the impression of 3D. Let me reiterate Beautiful. And the battle sequences are 2D side scrolling as in the Tales game which was released on the GBA, anyone looking forward to a 3D battle field as found in Tales of Symphonia and other may be a bit let down.
Attacks are handled with the X+Dpad button, Skills with the O+Dpad button, and Triangle brings up the battle menu. Standard Attacks are based off your strength and Equipped Weapons and band be done over and over again. Skills are magical or psuedo-magical and Use up skill points, (mana).
Once more you find yourself on the less technologically advanced world in a binary world group. When Low and behold Bam a spaceship from the other world crash lands near your village almost killing you. A little investigation finds you with the third playable character who doesn't speak a word of your language! Soon her nemesis shows up to try and kill you and you are exiled from the village.
The Baddies outside the first village seem a bit over powered and don't drop money very quickly so it will take a while to improve your setup. It's a little bit like the first kings quest where you exit to the world map and walk round and round in circles around the first town so you can pop back in for quick healing.
All the dialogue is voice acted, and that is a big plus in my book, however, the voice acting is really bad with not much emotion and bad timing.
Still I can't help but recommend this game, especially if you have ever like another Tales Game.