Tales of Eternia review not to much reading.

User Rating: 9 | Tales of Eternia PSP
This game is fantastic. it may have a cheesy cover but don't judge it until you've played it. The graphics on it a floor less they are amazing. If you have a PSP get this game it is one oif the best RPG's i've played, and i have played a fare share of them, okay its not as good as final fantasy VII but this is Namco. Sorry to all you namco fans out there. I am surprised how good this game actually is, it can keep you entertained for hours the story can take arund 20-30 hours to complete. I have had it since April 06 and i have completed it twice. Don't take my word for it if you don't want to, but get past the cheesy cover and play it i'm sure you'll be happy like i am!!!