Another good jRPG for PS3.

User Rating: 8 | Tales of Graces f PS3
Another good jRPG that missing from this generation... my personal complain is.. it's too expensive for a Wii ported game but this will not affect my review score... just saying.

The Good:

- action RPG battle system, very fun to play.
- a lot of good characters that you'll find hard to choose your main party.
- decent story, a bit boring in some parts but not much.

The Bad:
- anime-like character models which make everyone in the world look like 3 feet tall.
- boring theme songs.
- boring repetitive maps (they connected each towns in the game with roads)
- cheesy dialogues (you'll be ashamed of playing this game in front of people)
- bad voice acting.
- too easy even with hard mode.

I don't know why but I still enjoy this game very much with this much "bad things". the game actually entertain me.

If you're an oldschool jRPG fan, try it.

If you prefer modern jRPGs, pass it.

If you don't like anime-style design, avoid it.