A game that will leave you shocked and amazed. Please Buy this game so more Tales game come to North America.

User Rating: 9.8 | Tales of Legendia PS2
This game is Shocking and amazing in everyway. Some people don't like the graphics but to me it's either hit or miss and to me HIT. The battle system is glorious and rejoiceful. I have waited for a battle system one of the most important things is just legendary. I have waited for a great action-rpg battle system like this. The best up to this point was between Radiata Stories and Tales of Symphonia and this one just makes them look like they are one step behind. Its fast, fun, innovative, and the concept is great. You can now throw enemies and that makes it even closer to a fighting game engine. The moves are very well down and this is the one of the first games where the main character doesn't use any type of blade. He uses his fists and his feet which can be the most powerful weapons. You can create moves in this game using moves you have mastered which I think is incredible. I think I'm running out of words to describe the Battle System. The Story once again is a hit or miss. It all depends on if it appeals to you. It is a very comical story but, when it changes its pace it can get serious. The characters to me are very likable except Norma and thats just me she is annoying. For the love of whom ever you worship Buy this game as it most likely will amaze you like it did me. I cannot give this game a ten but it is one of the closest so far.