A great Tales game. The charictor models are like FF 7 models, which gives this game a fun and cool class look

User Rating: 8.6 | Tales of Legendia PS2
Legendia is a very intertaining rpg. It's a fun game with a cool battle system like the rest of the Tales games. Some repetative doungeons, but look cool none the less. For Tales of Destiny fans this is a keeper. Buy this great game "Tales of Legendia". The way the story plays out is kind of funny. Makes me feel like i'm playing a little kids game kind of, but it's still fun and makes me laugh. It does have a good fantasy like story though. The main charictor Sennil is searching for his kidnapped sister, and he's running around on this huge fantasy ship that looks like an island with tons of places to go to that can take some time running around on the main map. The battle system for me at least is way easy, even on the harder difficulty. I never seem to strugle with battles in this game. A little dissapointing, but it's still way fun with the fighting game style battles. Check this one out for sure.