A must play RPG that succesfully rescue the old feel of RPG's back on SNES.

User Rating: 8.9 | Tales of Legendia PS2
As it names say, this game should be considered some kind of legend. Pursuing an original formula from its predecessors the game successfully rescue the forgotten feel of the SNES/PS RPG’s that have long disappeared with all the new improvements with the 128 bits generation. While not an epic of the RPG’s, the storyline of Tales of Legendia will sure keep you wanting to know what’s next.

With the fast action real-time battles, combos and good magic/skill system, Tales of Legendia’s gameplay deserves to get a 10. It keeps you from getting boring during the long hours you’ll waste playing the game. You can choose difficulty modes, which is rare to find in the genre, making it even more enjoyable and challenging.

The cartoon-like graphics, the SD (good old super-deformed, also know as big heads) characters and the good amount of classic style (caves, ruins, forests) scenarios are awesome, a definitely good combination of fantasy-like graphics with the power of the 128 bits. The effects in battle are also very well made.

Sound must be the biggest flaw of the game, it’s nothing that would stop you from playing the game, but the music are a bit repetitive and the voices of the characters are through a good part of the story kind of emotionless and have a weird echo sometimes. The evil gang theme and the world map music are different from the rest, very good and since you’ll be listening it the most part of the time, the sound shouldn’t worry too much.

Overall the game is a must play if you play RPG’s, specially if you’re a Tales series fan, because it proudly carry the name.