A great time killer. This game doesn't break any ground in the RPG genre but it doesnt suck either.
The battle xp is kinda wierd. You get rated on a bunch of things and it gives you an overall rating which affects your rewards or xp or something. Sometimes i would get 100 xp sometimes i would get 200. I mever did get any more than that though lol? Which makes leveling kinda hard as you get more powerful.
I saw that it keeps tracks of how mny times you have played through the game so it looks like it will have some kinda new game+ and replay value.
Nothing turned me off about this game but then again nothing made me want to not put it down and play something else. I hated taking it back cuz i know i will totally forget the storyline and stuff by the next time i get around to playing it lol, but i have better things to do.
Im kinda sick of RPG's and there combat systems. I want rpg storylines with hack n slash gameplay. I cant wait for .hack: G.U. , Phantasy Star Online , and Rogue Galaxy. But now igot something to do when i m bored waiting for those.