A story-driven RPG without a story...

User Rating: 6.6 | Tales of Legendia PS2
When I first heard of this game, I had just finished Tales of Symphonia and was really excited to play it. Unfortunately, however, it seems to be a sorry "tales of" wannabe.

The storyline in Tales of Legendia is where the game really flops. It's almost non-existant and the characters are all pretty annoying. It begins with a teenage soldier named Senel on a boat with his sister Shirley. Soon, however, they crash on a giant ship/island, called the Legacy. The "ship" is gigantic, has a city on it, and (of course) was home to a long-lost civilization. The story hardly progresses at all as you find out that shirley has powers that she is basically incapable of using. It's rare that I will ever play a game that I don't finish but the storyline was just so boring or cliche' that I just couldnt bring myself to finish it. By the way, Shirley is the most annoying character of any game, ever made, and since the purpose of the game is to save her... Not a good combination.

Gameplay is pretty good. It uses pretty much the same system as Tales of Phantasia where you r taken to a 2D battle screen and you fight in real-time. Unfortunately this feels like a regression after Symphonia which had a 3D system. The special attack system is pretty good though. You learn base moves through leveling up, and then, after you use the move enough, you can unlock the moves "essence". The essences can combine automatically to make arcane moves and you can combine them yourself to make compound moves which r good against certain species of monsters.

Graphics and sound are both non-impressive. Graphics look like playstation, and sound is just obnoxious.

Overall, I don't recommend this game to anyone.