An adventure on the Legacy to save mankind, ToL has the tools to become one of the all-time greats!

User Rating: 9.6 | Tales of Legendia PS2
In the beginning, Senel Coolidge and his "sister" (you'll find out why in a moment) Shirley board an island called the Legacy. The Legacy turns out to be a gigantic ship. They begin an adventure while gaining friends...and enemies along the way. Will, a teacher, joins along with a girl named Norma. Chloe joins after and now these heroes are in pursuit of Vaclav, an evil villan who has plans to take the Merines, SHIRLEY! His gang of soldiers capture Shirley and now our heroes must pursue them to rescue Shirley. Enter Moses and Jay. They join the party and begin a quest. Along the way, it is revealed that Shirley isn't Senel's sister but the sister of Senel's girlfriend, Stella. Anyway, the power of the Merines is used to fire the Nerifes cannon (along with the power of another girl captured by Vaclav's army, STELLA!) The cannon is fired at the mainland and sparks a war between the Legacy and Vaclav's army. The heroes reach the top of the Legacy where they are firing the cannon. The power used kills Stella but Shirley survives. Senel and his friends defeat Vaclav's army (and Vaclav himself). Then, the Ferines (the Merines of the Legacy; Shirley is from the mainland) brings Shirley to her village (The Village of the Ferines) for preparations to use her in a ritual. Senel and his friends are grateful to the villagers and the Ferines for saving Shirley. Senel and his friends embark to the Hidden Fortress to slay whomever is left standing of Vaclav's army. Little be known that this is all a setup to get Shirley to perform the ritual. Senel is then told by Walter (a super-being from the Ferines' village) that this ritual is bad news (PLOT TWIST!!!) and so Walter becomes a bad guy (along with the rest of the Ferines) and so, Senel sets off to save Shirley once again but once they reach the top of the Legacy (where the ritual is performed), the group is too late. Shirley successfully performs the ritual and changes from good to bad (much to the shagrin of Senel, who promised Stella before she died that Shirley would be safe). The group now has a new quest, gain strength and defeat the powers of the Merines and save Shirley's soul so the Legacy and the homeland may live in peace. What will happen, I don't know yet but all I know is that if you don't buy this game and witness this much action and adventure, you must be high on something!